The commencement exercises for the participants of the Small Business Counselors’ Course (SBCC) for the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Regional Cluster 1 was conducted last 24 March 2017 at the Sequoia Hotel along Mother Ignacia Avenue in Quezon City.
In her closing remarks, Glennis S. Uyanguren, head of the Training and Entrepreneurship Education Division of UP ISSI, congratulated the graduates as they share in the Institute’s vision for nurturing and advancing an entrepreneurial society, and as such, contribute to the efforts of forging a strong and growing micro, small and medium enterprise sector.
She shared the quote that “if you want to build the business, build the people”. She thanked DTI for entrusting the SBCC program to UP ISSI. She salutes them for regularly sending their personnel to training programs to better equip them in their daily functions.