For the purpose of developing an academic community that protects the integrity of information and respects the right for privacy, the School of Library and Information Science and the Data Protection Team of the University of the Philippines Diliman conducted a Records Management and Data Privacy Capacity Building Seminar to the academic units and administrative offices on 27 February 2019 at the UP School of Labor and Industrial Relations. The seminar aimed to educate the faculty, research, extension and professional staff (REPS) and administrative staff of the University on the provisions of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and National Archives of the Philippines Act of 2007 otherwise known as Republic Act No. 10173 and Republic Act No. 9470, respectively.
In compliance with the above-mentioned laws, the staff of the UP Institute for Small-Scale Industries attended the said seminar to address their information needs with regard to legal and technical requirements of the Data Privacy Act and the system of management and administration of the Institute’s records. Armed with such information, the Institute may now set baseline information in its policy formulation and revision process on proper handling of personal information of staff and records of the Institute.
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