YEP! IS here once again!
An essential guide to eCommerce for young entrepreneurs
Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) 2021
Young entrepreneurs be ready! The MSME Development Council (MSMEDC) and the Department of Trade and Industry National Capital Region (DTI-NCR) are here for another round of Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) 2021 through a full-blown webinar series.

YEP is a nationwide program that aims to help young Filipinos develop their entrepreneurial skills by offering them a comprehensive package of interventions.
This program will serve as avenues to establish business linkages, create strategic partnerships with financial/business investors, develop innovative ideas with the help of business mentors and experts encouraging them to start their business ventures and engage in social, sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship.
For this year, YEP will draw on a holistic approach towards eCommerce as not just income and job-generation focused, but more importantly, as a catalyst for sustainable development and economic growth.
This program is open to individuals from 18 to 30 years old. Scheduled every Tuesdays and Thursdays of August 2021, YEP is all set to take flight on August 3.
So, what are you waiting for, be a YEP participant now! Register here and unleash your entrepreneurship potentials!
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It is a nice program for the youth like me