“What I learned so far? We have had the morning sessions already and we had a pretty good or very good speakers. For the last three speakers, we had Mr. Mark Ruiz, Ms. Atencio, and Mr.Capulong”
“What I learned from the last three speakers of the last three sessions? ‘Twas really interesting about their experiences in the different MSMEs that they’re involved in. They talked about how the sari-sari stores can be the foundations for growth and impact for different communities that they’re in and then combining that with financial literacy and fintech or the financial technology. So we’re giving them [MSMEs] opportunities thru smart phones to be able to pass money to each other. Little innovations like that are really interesting and especially for me because [I have a] company, a social tourism [company]. We really want to help develop urban and rural poor communities in the different tourist destinations in the Philippines, for example in Zambales and Baler. So I incorporate with all the learning here through the different enterprises that is really applicable for me to be able to promote different areas. This is also interesting to different communities I have partnered with because they are able to grow themselves through different methods that I am learning today, like entrepreneurship and finance.
For the rest of today, I am hoping to get experience and wisdom for the rest of the speakers because [as] I look up from the line up, they are very distinct and there are so much to learn from all of these people from different background and I am very excited for the rest of the day.