“I am challenging you to become adoptive and responsive to the rapid changes taking place in our environment. You should be more resilient.”
This was the message of UP Diliman Vice-Chancellor for Administration Virginia C. Yap when she addressed last Saturday, 11 February 2017, the participants of the joint opening of programs of UP ISSI–namely, the 59th Productivity through Effective Supervision (PES), 36th Strategic Marketing Course (SMC) and 14th Strategic Human Resource Management (SHuRE).
Recognizing that the need for a human resource manager (HRM) is “more complex” now than ever, VC Yap emphasized HRM as the “agent of change”. She took note of the significance of a better equipped HRM to maximize the potential of the personnel in an organization.
Meanwhile, addressing the participants of the 59th PES, VC Yap said: “Supervisors are always in the precarious situation. As first-level supervisors, you are always in the forefront, leading the employees, motivating the staff, being answerable to people under you.”
She concluded with an admonition for supervisors to “be able to make sound decision” amid problems they encounter in their companies.
She later encouraged SMC participants “to be globally competitive and be resilient to external and internal shocks of the business.”
The 59th PES, 36th SMC and 14th SHURE courses were the second batch of simultaneous courses that opened last Saturday after the opening salvo of the first batch of UP ISSI programs for 2017.