“Librarians are tour guides for all of knowledge.” – Patrick Ness
The Information and Public Affairs Office (of the UP Institute for Small-Scale Industries) staff and library interns from the Bulacan State University and the UP School of Library and Information Studies visited the University Library and the College of Engineering Library II last 7 March 2018.

Mr. Elmer Tolentino of the University Library welcomed the group. He briefly discussed the library sections of the University, their functions, and introduced the head librarians managing each section. The group also met Deputy Librarian Ms. Elvira Lapuz, the first board topnotcher of the Librarians Board Examinations when the profession first held its maiden examination in 1991.
The College of Engineering Library II was the second library the group visited, where library innovations and technology-advanced facilities comparable to high-quality libraries in the country are present.
The library visit was concurrently a familiarization tour inside UP Diliman for the group. The rich book collections and the services offered by the UP libraries gave an insight of how honor and excellence inculcated by UP is present in the libraries.
With inputs from Roselle Joy D. Espique, Angela Rose D. Magpayo, and Mary Ann B. Tahop.