The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought the world to a grinding halt. It’s put back nearly all company deadlines, left thousands of local and international flights cancelled, and botched countless potential business deals. Yet, strangely enough, it still won’t fly as an excuse to skip Valentine’s day this year. Don’t believe us? Go ahead, pretend it’s just another passing day and see what happens. Consider yourself lucky if you don’t get spoken to for a whole week! And that tired and predictable line “I love you” isn’t going to cut it either. In these trying times, you have to give your significant other a tangible proof of your endearment – you know, something sweet to sink his or her teeth into. An obvious top pick here is the sans rival. No other dish has got that classy French esthetic with a rich Filipino creamy flavor to match. You can get one now from Granda’s Sweets and Delicacies, a proud brand by Lisa Granda.
Lisa Granda is a seasoned pastry chef who’s fallen hard for the sans rival since she first tasted it as a child. She was convinced then that it’s got to be, as its French name declares, “unrivaled.” But, being the artist that she’s always been, she knew the original recipe still had room for refinement. So, in the early 2000s, she had experimented with local and imported ingredients to bring the nostalgic dish in touch with the contemporary palette. Her hard work paid off in 2007 when her cake’s first taste-testers, her sisters’ office mates to be exact, hailed it for its velvety taste and the consistency of crunchiness. The word about Lisa’s sans rival soon spread from one office department to another that, in less than a year, it’s become the entire office’s standard celebration dessert. Inspired by outpouring positive reviews, she’s decided to turn her lifelong culinary passion into a modest enterprise the following year. That enterprise now has over 20 distributors, which include top-tier restaurants in popular shopping stores in Pampanga, and a branch in Quezon City. Chances are, you’ve already nibbled on Lisa’s sans rival but overlooked her logo on the packaging! But today, Lisa’s brand-name will be harder for you to miss because she’s recently started selling a variety of other baked goodies. Among them, chocolate sylvannas, cashew caramel tarts, butterscotch, butter toast, and shortbread. There has to be, for sure, at least one pastry on Lisa’s menu for your special someone’s sweet tooth. Order up now! And remember, if it’s not pastries today, it’ll be a signature bag tomorrow. Your choice!
For order inquiries, please contact Ms. Lisa Granda (owner) through her: Cellphone number: +63 908 888 0821 Email address: grandas.sweets@gmail.com You can also visit their Facebook page and website to see their new product offerings: Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/GrandasSweetsandDelicacies/ Website: https://grandas-sweets.wixsite.com/delicacies Granda’s Sweets and Delicacies has a branch in Metro Manila located at # 78 Don Alejandro Roces Ave., Brgy. Obrero, Quezon City 1103 Its main branch is located at Don Honorio Ventura St. Cabambangan, Bacolor, Pampanga
UP ISSI provides business counselling and other technical and enterprise development assistance to MSMEs and other sectors, including non-government organizations, academic communities, private corporations, cooperatives, and government agencies.
*All images displayed here are from and owned by Granda’s Sweets and Delicacies.
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