2025 Training Calendar

TitleScheduleDuration/FeeOnline Registration
130th Managers Course (MC)
Feb 01 - Jun 28, 202521 Saturdays / Php 38,000Reserve here
/ Open
69th Accounting for Non-Accountants (AfNA)
Feb 01 - Mar 08, 20256 Saturdays / Php 15,000Reserve here
/ Open
79th Productivity through Effective Supervision (PES) Course
Feb 01 - Mar 08, 20256 Saturdays / Php 16,000Reserve here
/ Open
6th Data Analytics CourseMar 15 - 29, 20253 Saturdays / Php 7,500Reserve here
/ Open
70th Accounting for Non-Accountants (AfNA)
Apr 26 - May 31, 20256 Saturdays / Php 15,000Reserve here
/ Open
80th Productivity through Effective Supervision (PES) Course
Apr 26 - May 31, 20256 Saturdays / Php 16,000Reserve here
/ Open
11th Digital Marketing Course
Apr 26 - May 31, 20256 Saturdays / Php 15,000Reserve here
/ Open
9th Total Productive Maintenance Course (TPMC)May 17 - Jun 21, 20256 Saturdays / Php 15,000Reserve here
/ Open
61st e-Start Your Own Business Course (hybrid)May 17 - Jun 28, 20256 Saturdays / Php 18,000Reserve here
/ Open
30th Creative and Effective Selling Techniques (CEST) CourseJun 07 - Jul 12, 20256 Saturdays / Php 16,000Reserve here
/ Open
130th Managers Course (MC)
Jul 05 - Nov 29, 202521 Saturdays / Php 38,000Reserve here
/ Open
33rd Total Quality Management (TQM) CourseJul 19 - Aug 23, 20256 Saturdays / Php 16,000Reserve here
/ Open
7th Data Analytics CourseJul 9 - Aug 2, 20253 Saturdays / Php 7,500Reserve here
/ Open
9th HANDA Program: Disaster Preparedness and Business Continuity Planning for MSMEs Jul 22 - 24, 20253 Days / Php 5,000Reserve here
/ Open
71st Accounting for Non-Accountants (AfNA)
Aug 09 - Sept 13, 20256 Saturdays / Php 15,000Reserve here
/ Open
81st Productivity through Effective Supervision (PES) Course Aug 09 - Sept 13, 20256 Saturdays / Php 16,000Reserve here
/ Open
Tara Na, Negosyo Na! Year 15Aug 27 - 29, 20253 Days/ FreeReserve here
/ Open
15th Advanced Leadership and Management Course (ALMA)Sept 06 - Nov 22, 202511 Saturdays / Php 29,000Reserve here
/ Open
HALAL Fundamentals for Food BusinessSept 06 - Oct 11, 20256 Saturdays / Php 16,000Reserve here
/ Open
8th Total Productive Maintenance Course (TPMC)Oct 04 - Nov 15, 20256 Saturdays / Php 15,000Reserve here
/ Open
2nd AId 4 Business Course (Artificial Intelligence for Business)Oct 14 - 16, 20253 Saturdays / Php 7,500Reserve here
/ Open
2nd Small Business Mentor's CourseOct 20 - 24, 2025
5 DaysReserve here
/ Open

*Please note that this schedule may be subject to change without prior notice. 




Or call us at 

UP Diliman Trunk line 8981-8500 local 4054

Cannot find the course you want?  We can design a program exclusive for your organization.

Email us:



How to pay online? Click here

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166 thoughts on “2025 Training Calendar

  1. chelle ramos Reply

    Hi, will you open a schedule for Good Manufacturing Practice overview/course this year? Thanks.

  2. Charisse Anastacio Reply

    Good morning!

    Inquiring if there is already an available Y 2021 Manager’s Course?

    Thanks! =)

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Charisse,
      Our 2021 Training Calendar is set to release within this week. You may check the latest announcement thru this webpage and also at UP ISSI social media posts on Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram. Thanks!

  3. Peter Papa Reply

    Good day.
    When does 121st Managers Course resuming?
    Is it still open for registration?
    And how the training will be done? via Online?

    Thank you.

  4. Emelyn A Maglahus Reply

    Good day,

    Can we request weekdays training for courses that run for 6 Saturdays?

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Emelyn,

      The Training Division has already calendared programs until the last month of this 2020. Check this link to see programs that are to be held on weekdays

      Thank you very much for your interest on our training programs.

  5. Miguel Sta. Ana Reply


    I would like to ask for details on what would be discussed during the 2nd Data Analytics course on March 3-5. Thank you.

  6. Miguel Sta. Ana Reply


    I’d like to know more details about the 2nd and 3rd Data Analytics courses. A syllabus for them would be very helpful. Thank you.

  7. NMP Reply

    Dear Ma’am/Sir:

    Good day!

    We would like to inquire the schedule of the following training course and its corresponding training fees:
    1. Effective Communication Skills Training

    Please send me a feedback anytime.
    Very truly yours,
    Human Resource Management Section
    National Maritime Polytechnic
    Cabalawan, Tacloban City

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Good day,
      According to the Training Division handling all the training programs, the IMPACt or Improving Professional Communication Technique is now the new name of Effective Communication Skills. They re-brand it but it is still the same in concept and content.

      The 2nd Improving Professional Communication Techniques (IMPACT ) is scheduled this May 9 – Jun 13 (6 Saturdays). Course fee: PhP 13,000.
      Registration is now open: https://bit.ly/36BuqQq. Thanks!

  8. Christy Eve M. Ocson Reply

    I would like to request for details of the 19th Strategic HUman Resources Management (SHuRe) to be held on 01 February to 07 March. I’m interested to join this programme.

    Thank you.

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hello Jhorine,

      The TEED is now developing a blended learning module on SYOB. In the meantime, our enterprise development course will be offered in community-based organizations and associations.


    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Jo,
      The TEED is now developing a blended learning module on SYOB. In the meantime, our enterprise development course will be offered in community-based organizations and associations.


  9. Rhylyn Tabios Reply

    Hello, once registered online, what will be the next step? How we will pay for the course.

    Thank you

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Rhylyn,

      You may contact the UP ISSI program management team for all your training-related concerns, including registration, payment and schedules.

      Training and Entrepreneurship Education Division (TEED)
      Tel No.: (+632) 8928.70.76 to 79 and 426.57.59
      EMail: training.issi@upd.edu.ph or info.issi@up.edu.ph


  10. Bobby E. Quilit Reply

    Kindly advise the schedule of Total Quality Management Course for the year 2020.

  11. Art Martinez Reply

    Dear Sir / Madame:

    Good afternoon.

    I am writing to inquire about the 54th Start Your Own Business (SYOB) Course scheduled on 12th October to 23 November. May I request you to provide more details re: schedule and location where the course will be held. Is there a course syllabus? How do I remit my payment?

    Thank you very much.

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Anna,

      For AfNA, the program starts at 8:30 AM to 5 PM, 6 Weekdays (TTh).

  12. Rowell Agustin Reply

    PLEASE offer your HR and Marketing programs every quarter. Thanks.

  13. Iris Reply

    Hi, pwede ko po ba malaman kung what time yung training for FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INVESTMENT every saturday?

  14. Jho Reply

    Hi, may I know the content / outline for Tara Na, Negosyo na! Thank you.

  15. Doug Chavez Reply

    UPSSI, Why there is no more Technical or Industrial Courses offered. I graduated in one of your Technical Course in the early 2K’s and landed a good job. I may suggest the UPSSI to offer some Technical or Industrial Courses for the non business minded individuals.

  16. Liza Abelgas Reply

    Hi, do you have an overview/course outline of Good Manufacturing Practice? thanks!

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Liza,
      Thank you for your interest in our GMP Course. You may view our course outline direct to UP ISSI’s official Facebook business page thru our Events calendar:


  17. Liana Barrido Reply

    Hi Sir/Ma’am

    Good day! I would like to ask if Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management Labor Law will be offered this year. Thank you!

  18. Jay Reply

    Good day! I would like to know if Financial Management for Entrepreneurship and Investment (FINEST) Course will be offered this year.

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Jay! 7th FINEST will start on August 17 until September 21, 2019 (6 Saturdays), is still wide open.

  19. Ronnie Reply

    Good day!

    May I know the complete details such as syllabus for 1st Lean Six Sigma, etc.

    Thank you.

  20. Frederick Go Reply


    Do you provide customized schedule (Monday-Friday) at your training center for the ALMA course?
    What is the minimum number of participants required?

  21. Anjanette Bansao Reply


    May I request the brochures of all the courses? I cannot access the links mentioned in the comments.


  22. Ace Reply


    Would like to know when is the next run for the AfNA after the Oct 9 schedule.

    Thanks and more power!

  23. Anna Elaine Reply

    Right after the October 9 scheduled for AFNA, is there already a schedule for the next session?

    Thank you.

  24. Hani Reply

    Do you have another 10th Advanced Leadership and Management Course (ALMA) this October-December?

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Hani,
      11th ALMA was scheduled from August 11 to October 20, (11 Saturdays). The next ALMA will be slated by 2019 Training Calendar. Thanks!

  25. Jose O. Llaneta III Reply


    Would just like to ask whether you are going to have Food Safety Course in the future.

    I have seen from your archives that here was once time that you offer this course.

    Would like request if you can bring it back and level it up to make it a course to qualify individuals to be Food Safety Practitioners or a Food safety Compliance Officer in a commercial setting.

    Currently there are no Food sSafety-related courses here in the Philippines .

    Thank you.

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Dear Mr. Jose O. Llaneta III,

      Thank you for your interest in our Food Safety Courses. We do have a scheduled Good Manufacturing Practices Course this November 7-9, 2018. As for the certification, we will suggest that to the Training Div for their reference during the next curriculum review of courses. As of now, UP ISSI provides certificates of completion, but we are not yet authorized to certify food safety professionals. Thank you!

  26. Anna Elaine Reply


    I would just like to ask when is the next training schedule for ALMA?

    Thank you!

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Anna,

      11th Advanced Leadership and Management Course (ALMA) is scheduled August 11 to October 20 (11 Saturdays). If you have further questions, you may contact the Training and Entrepreneurship Division at (02) 426-5759 or 928-7076 to 79.

      Thank you.

  27. Ria Mangaoil Reply


    Looking forward for the 54th Accounting for Non-Accountants (AfNA) to be 6 Saturday schedule please.

    Many thanks!

  28. Cheddar Trinidad Reply

    Good Day.

    Would you have an overview and course / topical outline of the following courses:
    Strategic Human Resource Management
    Total Quality Management (TQM) Course
    Productivity Through Effective Supervision (PES) Course
    Advanced Leadership and Management Course (ALMA)
    Creative and Effective Selling Techniques (CEST)
    Total Communications Course (TCC)

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Rico,
      Apology for we do not offer MPEX course, but you may check and inquire with DOST’s Manufacturing Productivity Extension for Export Promotion (MPEX) productivity consultancy services. Thanks!

  29. RICO T PELOR Reply

    Good day,

    I am from Bacolod City, Negros Island and I am interested in joining your 1st Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) on “Nov 7 – 9” which I understand to be three(3) days from November 7 to 9, but the DURATION/FEE says “6 Wkdays / TTh / Php 3,000”. May I clarify the exact schedule, please?

    Thank you.

    • UP ISSI Reply

      Hi Rico,
      The correct schedule is: 7-9 Nov., Wed-Friday, 3 Weekdays.

      Many thanks.

  30. marie aboga Reply


    when is your next batch of AFNA? Weekend schedule.

    thank you.

  31. Marlon Reply


    I have attended your Comprehensive Course on Instrumentation and Process Control (CCIPC) last 2011. I would like to know if you still offer this course as we intend to send some of our staff to attend. Hope to get your immediate reply.


  32. julie ann villanueva Reply

    Good day! Do you have training schedules for PLCC, CCIPC, AIPC for this year?

  33. Jose O. Llaneta III Reply


    Good day!

    Is there any chance that courses on Food Safety and Quality will be back in your yearly offerings?

    Do you offer any seminar related to food safety — one which gives certifications to attendees as Food Safety Practicioners/FSCO? Can you recommend if you know any? Thakns!

  34. Jhun Servano Reply

    Good day,

    Do you have a training schedule on BCP this year?



    Happy day!
    I just want to ask if there’s another available schedule of SYOB aside from Saturdays.
    Thank you.

  36. Karmela Reply

    Hi Do you have a downloadable/printable copies of that 2018 training calendar?


  37. Mark Reply

    Dear Ian

    For the 116th Managers Course, what time on Saturday do classes begin and what time do they end? Are they whole day affairs or are they half day affairs? Will the classes be held in the UP Diliman Campus?

  38. Erwin Gile Reply

    Good day!

    I would like to inquire if you will be offering the Personal Financial Planning Course? I remember that it was offered about two years ago.

    I would gladly appreciate it if you could provide me with information.

    Thank you very much in advance.

  39. Rex Gonzales Reply


    Can I ask when will be the next TPM training/seminar?

    Thank you.

  40. Sulpicio d. Sedeno Jr. Reply

    Mam naka pag register na ako, baka pwedi pang maka habol kahit late na ako ng isang seesion sa CCIPCC, may background narin ako at gusto kulang madagdagan pa ang learning ko. Tnx

  41. Elle Reply

    I am hoping you can open a new class this Aug 2017 for Productivity Through Effective Supervision. Thanks!

  42. Alex Santos Reply

    Good day!

    Will the 50th Accounting for Non-Accountants (AfNA) start this July 8 as scheduled?

  43. Francis Balanditan Reply

    Hello! Is there any on-line training or seminar you are offering? Please do advise.


  44. Rejean Reply

    Good day!

    I would like to know the schedule of Accounting for Non-Accountants (AfNA) this July 8, 2017.

    Thank you!

  45. Ronnie M. Trillanes Reply

    Sir / Madam;

    Good day.

    I am interested in Manager’s Course:
    1. Are there any pre-requisites for attending the course?
    2. Is there still have slot?

  46. Ronnie M. Trillanes Reply

    Good after noon.
    I am interested in Managers Course,
    1. Is there still an available slot?
    2. Are there any prerequisites in attending the course?


    Ronnie M. Trillanes

  47. Ford Gayatin Reply


    Do you have a six months (short courses) program for MBA? If yes, how much is it and when is the schedule?

    Thank you.


  48. Arnel Lugtu Reply


    I would like to inquire if you have short courses on essential oil plant extraction that you offer?

    Thank you,

  49. Angela Cabatu Reply

    Hi, Any chance of offering a lean Six sigma or a six sigma certification course? Thanks

  50. Karen Dela Cruz Reply

    Hi. Do you have another schedule for FINEST? Thanks for your reply.

    Kind regards,

    Karen Dela Cruz

  51. Karen Dela Cruz Reply

    Hi! May I ask if you will open another schedule this year for FINEST?

    Thank you!

  52. Aleah Estrella Galas-Espino Reply

    May I please ask what time do the classes usually start and end? Thanks!

  53. Lehn Reply


    Do you have an upcoming Monitoring and Evaluating Programs and Projects seminar workshop? Please let me know.


    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Dear Ms. Lehn,

      Currently we have no courses related to MEPP that we offer to the public. However, we conduct it in our programs that were contracted to us by our partners.

      Kind regards,

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Dear Ms. Espineda,

      Yes, we still do have slots for AfNA.

      Kind regards,

  54. Kristen Cabalda Reply

    Good Day! I am interested in the courses you are offering. May I ask if you have a course outline and content of the following courses?

    Start Your Own Business Course
    Managers Course
    Tara Na, Negosyo Na
    Productivity Through Effective Supervision Course
    Strategic Marketing Course
    Strategic Human Resource Management

  55. Beata Humilda O. Obsioma Reply

    I am interesrted to attend the 8th Advanced Leadership and Management Course (ALMA) which is scheduled on March 18 to April 29, 2018. Do you still have available slot for one participant?
    If positive, do you allow payment on site? I work in a government office from 8am to 5pm and it is difficult for me to leave and go to UP-ISSI to pay the registration fee.

    Thank you.

    Mrs. Beata Humilda O. Obsioma
    bea_nmic@yahoo. com
    CP# 09989689815

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi, Ms. Beata. Yes, there are still slots available for ALMA and yes, you may pay on the first day of the program.

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi. 49th AfNA, which will start on 22 April 2017, is still wide open.

  56. Ryan Reply

    Hi, I am interested in taking the Manager’s Course. May I ask for the line-up of the resource persons for the course? Thank you.

      • Noreen Labiano Reply

        Hi! Good evening, may I ask po if may certificate din pong matatanggap for online digital marketing course. Thank you for your response.

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Dear Ms. Denise,

      Unfortunately, we only have Saturday classes.

      Kind regards,

  57. Miguelito Abrasaldo Reply

    Do you have training schedule that is continuous? People from the provinces cannot attend the Saturday only courses.

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi, sir. Unfortunately, we only have Saturday courses. We do sometimes run courses in the provinces through the arrangement with our partners.

  58. Inigo Villanueva Reply

    Hi, Do you still have slots for the upcoming 48th AFNA course this Jan. 21, 2017?

  59. Thaddeus George Roman Reply

    Hi! Good day!

    When will be the next Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Seminar?


    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi. We didn’t schedule any BCP seminar for this year. Currently we run it as a contracted program with our partner.

  60. Baby Riza Ibañes Reply

    Hi! Good day!

    Do you have brochure for Strategic Human Resources Management?

    Thank you.


    Hi.. do u have cellphone number of UP-ISSI? thank you and God bless

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi, Ms. Rina. The requirements are: payment of the tuition fee, attendance and completion of the Integrated Organizational Survey and Assessment report.


    Can we have a soft copy (thru email) of the 58th PES Course scheduled on 22 October to 26 November? Thank you.

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi. You can download it here. It’s just the same as what we send through our emails.

  63. Sarah Reply

    Hi. When will the next SYOB course be? are there going to be trainings for November or December? Thanks

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi. So sad you missed the last run of SYOB. We will offer it again in January. Wait for our announcement soon.

  64. Joshua Neil G Manikan Reply

    May I have a copy of the course description of Productivity through Effective Supervision (PES) Course?
    Are there other expenses during the course?
    Are there pre-qualifications required of a trainee?
    Any other info helpful to a first timer?

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi. You can find it here. There are no other expenses or pre-qualifications for the course except for those expressly indicated in the course description. Thank you.

  65. loids Reply

    Can’t find the courses’ descriptions on this website. Anyone could point me in the right direction? Thanks! 🙂

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi. The last SMC has already ended. The next run will be next year.

  66. Estanislao Reply

    hi i want to enroll in SYOB this coming Sept. 17. Pupunta ba ako mismo sa UP Diliman para mag pa register?

  67. Jun Fuentebella Reply

    Hi, I am interested with your Advanced Leadership and Management Development Course (ALMA). Is it possible to get a course outline and content and methodology, as well the facilitators background.

    Thank you.

  68. Michelle Nadine Hingco Reply

    How to enroll for SYOB course and how can i give the 1st payment? Coz i wanna make it installment. Thanks!

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi. Please read this link about how you can pay for our training programs as well as our policy on paying in installments.

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi. We do accept installments. You can pay 50 percent downpayment (5,500 pesos) on or before the first day of the course (17 September 2016), and the balance to be paid in installments until the middle of the course or on 8 October 2016.

  69. Genie Bumacod Reply

    Hi, may I know of the 36th Credit Appraisal and Monitoring (CAM) Course on AUgust 8-12 if will push through or not.

  70. Caitlin Morales Reply

    Hi! May inquire If you will you still offer courses on Food Safety and Quality Practitioners?

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi, Ms. Caitlin. Please write a formal letter of request to: Engr. Ma. Luisa S. Lee, Head of the Training Division of UP ISSI. Thanks.

  71. Wea Arianne E. Alinea Reply

    Hi! When will there be a schedule for Manager’s Course?

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi. MC is already ongoing. The next will be in 2017, possibly sometime in January.

      • Mel Jhane D. Vargas Reply

        Hi Ian! I am also interested to take MC. When will the details for 2017 schedule be posted in the site? Thank you in advance.

  72. Noel Reply

    Hello Sir/Ma’am

    Do you have available slots for AfNA? And do you have brochure for this?

    Many thanks

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Yes, we still have slots for AfNA. You can click the brochure for this by clicking AfNA under “Courses”.

  73. Christian Contreras Reply

    Hi, I’m inquiring for ALMA and Tara Na, Negosyo Na

    Do I forward my payment directly to the UP ISSI office? And where do I send my scanned OR? Many thanks!

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi, Christian. You can either pay in our office or deposit your payment at our Landbank checking account. Just don’t lose your deposit slip if you prefer the second option.

  74. Mark anthony adviento Reply

    Good morning!

    Do you have available slots on TPMC and SMC?

    • Ian Jester de Vera Reply

      Hi, Mr. Mark. Yes, we still have slots for them. You may register at any time before they start.

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